Friday, November 11, 2011

Poppy music

From last week's "Remember, remember" to this week's Remembrance Day...

We don't have any particularly insightful message for this Veteran's Day, Remembrance Day... just another of those annoyingly pretentious bits of ironic juxtaposition, whilst pondering the traditional poppy, its symbolic use in the Wizard of Oz, and the traps our leaders set for us in recklessly interventionist global policy.

Of course, we salute Guy Fawkes, who fought in the service of His Majesty King Philip II of Spain against the wooden-clog-wearing hash-smokers, and later for Catesby's mercenaries, until rather suddenly reaching the end of his rope in January 1606.

"Look here, upon this picture...

and on this,
The counterfeit present- ment...

...and what judgment
Would step from this...
--Hamlet, III.iv

Muammar Gaddafi being poppyized. With the clownish Libyan strongman out of the way, the borders are now wide open for U.S.-sponsored drug trafficking.

"In Afghan Fields did the USA
Guard poppy fields where terrorists play.
And with no sense of irony,
A 'War on Drugs' for us, you see.
With prisons to fill, what better way?"

Jackie Jura did a better job revising the classic "In Flanders Fields" poem.

Video: U.S. Marines Guard Afghanistan Poppy Fields


  1. Perhaps, in the "spirit of the holiday" you should create a fictional service record for yourself, like the other current sockpuppets are doing on certain other websites-- you know, to try to 'legitimize' yourself, even though everyone has long known that you are my sock-puppet--- before you became Gayle, before you became Corq...!

    ((Alas, neither the disgusting and disrespectful opportunism of taking advantage of a national servicemen's holiday to post a made-up military service record, nor trips to the free Wifi hotspot in Harpers Ferry WV, nor the use of America Online's "dynamic (rotating) I.P. addresses", can prove that you aren't a sockpuppet!
    Right, "Winston"?)

  2. very odd how our servicemen and women are protecting opium poppys in afganistan. i heard it was beacuse the opium poppy is the only source of income for most of the rural farmers, and without that crop those people would starve causing more problems for the our military.

    yeah,the big war on drugs here at home in the states, and us protecting opium poppys in afganistan totally fubar!!!

  3. It seems every year since our involvement in Afghanistan there's been a news story in which the poppy farmers are quoted as pleading "Please just let us harvest our crops this year and we promise to stop after that." Lather, rinse, repeat.

    It's a no win situation for us. And yet another example of MacArthur's dictum, "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." Or was that Vizzini in The Princess Bride?

  4. I'm surprised that Mosby hasn't chimed in with his service record as a Submarine Captain during World War II. Or what about Jaques LaMilne's role in the French and Indian War? Was Beans in the Spanish-American War?

    I assume that Winston was dentist in the Air Force?

  5. I think Mosby is from Arkansas, so he'd have been in the Osage Indian wars. Beans said he was from Florida, so that would have been the Seminole wars. I don't recall which sock was in the Michigan wars. Dread Pirate Murphy has been holdin' down the front in the perpetual Virginny feud since Devil Anse died.

    Comandante Lapin claims to be the fifth of his kind and has seen every war, battle, skirmish and feud in history. Presumably because he starts them all.

    Commence ta feudin', y'all!

  6. WTF! "t" and "bad andy" appear to have had a little rebelious streak against the rabid rabbit and krackho tonight on the frn (since deleted).

    Funny damn thing, since all 3 have been sitting together in Krackho chat all night. What kind of stunt be this?

  7. t
    Sunspot Watcher

    Posts: 110
    Registered: Jul 2008
    posted November 13, 2011 22:01 Click Here to See the Profile for t Click Here to Email t Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote what can I say? i heard the id "Crystal Shit".
    i apologize; it's embarassing, but it's an s-9 signal into neohio.
    not that i approve of the songs...

    kracker, enough is enough...

    bad andy
    Sunspot Watcher

    Posts: 302
    Registered: Aug 2005
    posted November 13, 2011 22:04 Click Here to See the Profile for bad andy Click Here to Email bad andy Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

    quote:Originally posted by t:
    what can I say? i heard the id "Crystal Shit".
    i apologize; it's embarassing, but it's an s-9 signal into neohio.
    not that i approve of the songs...

    kracker, enough is enough...

    No this could only be Commander Bunny he is way more evil than Kracker

    Sunspot Watcher

    Posts: 110
    Registered: Jul 2008
    posted November 13, 2011 22:06 Click Here to See the Profile for t Click Here to Email t Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

    quote:Originally posted by bad andy:
    No this could only be Commander Bunny he is way more evil than Kracker

    It's probably both of them; pirate radio listening is doomed...

    John Galt
    Sunspot Watcher

    Posts: 106
    Registered: Aug 2010
    posted November 13, 2011 22:13 Click Here to See the Profile for John Galt Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote He was very loud into SE VA, S-9+ on the Perseus. Off at 2303Z.

    Been a while since I heard the song being made reference to. Pretty low class to put that on the air VIA a venue which is supposed to be a fun outlet for all......

    Chuck Rippel
    Hampton Roads, VA
    Microtelecom Perseus, EAC R390A/URR / Sherwood SE-3MKIII

    bad andy
    Sunspot Watcher

    Posts: 302
    Registered: Aug 2005
    posted November 13, 2011 22:16 Click Here to See the Profile for bad andy Click Here to Email bad andy Edit/Delete Message Reply w/Quote

    quote:Originally posted by t:
    It's probably both of them; pirate radio listening is doomed...

    Sorry, I think your Correct. How embarrassing, I feel like such a sock puppet now.

  8. It's still on the FRN

  9. Anonymous asked... "What kind of stunt be this?"
    The _best_ kind, of course... one so convoluted and cross-wired that you need 2 extra senses just to gleep and mither the convolutions. One that involves technology a decade ahead of its time... and yet is so simple in conception that even a cat-whisker galena set seems complicated by comparison. No monkeys were harmed, either...

  10. A stunt where Kracker gets to wear his white sheet, more like.

  11. It is Cross Burnin' season.

  12. and jta chimes in on cue with the "lesson of the week".

    Lame, dudes, very, very lame. I was expecting better.

  13. FRN Vines 11/15 22:36:

    'Gotta stop leaping to conclusions, folks. Let's leave that for "that other" website.' - jta

    I agree with what jta is saying here. The last time I visited 'that other website' it was leaping to the conclusion that Gayle Van Horn was Guise Faux among other mogoloid epiphanies.

  14. Yeh the thread itself (for me) doesn't speak to dissent in the rank, I think they were in fact mocking what most people think about kracker - not what they personally think. t seems like he's moderate in the few direct interactions I've had with him, but, in for a penny, in for a pound.

    Even the few in the past who've sung with a 'chorus of disapproval' aren't ballsy enough to call Special K for his deeds, they quickly file his actions under 'artistic eccentricity'.

    A few apologists will pipe up to soften the edges of the offense after everyone is sobered up, but we can set our watches around this time next year, with maybe a few carefully crafted skirmishes before Winterfest, ah 'expect.

  15. FRN Vines 11/17 21:50:

    'NOT ME!

    But what's the use, I'll bet blamed for it no matter what!'

    [Later edited]:

    'NOT ME!

    If I'm on the air, YOU FOOKING KNOW IT! I take credit for when I'm on. Stop it,this shit belongs on HFU, FRC or one of the lower class, bullshit blogs.' - Pat Murphy/Commander Bunny

    Three things: first, it is happening on the FRN which is where you originally practiced your art of trash behaviour & manipulation of really, for roughly the past 10 years, the FRN has been the place of this BS thanks to you Pat. This is why HFU & FRC now exist to be free of your 'shit'.

    Second, the only way we would know you're on the air in the past was when you sockpuppet posted using beans or mosby to falsely give the impression of wide area coverage.

    Third, if anyone has a 'bullshit' blog it's you Pat. At least Radio Paranoia hasn't created fake emails to hide behind snitching to the FCC, falsely accusing Monitoring Times personnel of being Guise Faux, taking one's life, stalking innocent female dxers and contradicting & hypocritical blogs that once pointed out for what they are you remove or edit foolishly.

  16. So now CORQ is The Grendel of Pirate Radio? Looks like it took WBNY a whole week from his last rant to find more clip art for his blog.

    What is his issue with "Evil Elvis"? What did he do? Did he dare to admit that he didn't hear WBNY with 40 over 9 signals?

    So who gets to be the "Dweorh of Pirate Radio"?

  17. Pat quickly removed the "Grendel" post and replaced it with a "Sponge Bob" image. Presumably so Kracker would get the literary reference.


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